We are doing this series because, to date, AI education events have mainly been aimed at a technical audience. There are numerous university lectures and lots of material on the Internet on the subject of AI. But they are all aimed at an audience with a lot of prior knowledge! What about schools where AI doesn't fit into the overcrowded curriculum? What about all the tech grannies (and we all have our tech granny moments ;D)? What about all those of us who only know AI from the media? All those who ask themselves "Can AI take over the world?" or "Can computers feel?" or "Do we need to regulate AI?" can hardly find serious places where these questions can be discussed. And that's exactly why we offer a forum for this. Your questions will be heard and you can finally learn from us what exactly AI is.
AI is important now because when it comes to AI, we are where we were in the 1970s when it came to climate change. This means that we understand and see the fundamental problems and can still change a lot! It's not too late - now is exactly the right time to establish social participation in the field of AI!
We invite top-class scientists to our knowledge sessions. When making our selection, we pay particular attention to ensuring that they can convey their knowledge in a simple and understandable way. After all, that is the greatest art of being a scientist! In our dialog sessions, you can talk about AI with others. Currently, AI dialogs are mainly taking place between industry, politics and science. Our dialog on AI aims to ensure that we are all involved. Because AI concerns us all!

Joachim Hertzberg
Joachim Hertzberg is a computer scientist and has been Professor of Computer Science at the University of Osnabrück since 2004. Since 2011, he has also been head of the Plan-Based Robot Control research department at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Lower Saxony in Osnabrück. His research and teaching topics are AI and mobile robotics and applications thereof, particularly in the fields of agriculture, logistics and production. Among the awards for his work is the Fellowship of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAi), awarded in 2014!
© Bild: DFKI, Annemarie Popp

Jonas Kraasch
Jonas Kraasch is completing his Master's degree in Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver this year. There he is researching creative AI with the Metacreation Lab. During his bachelor's degree in cognitive science, Jonas founded a reading group that focuses on the development of artificial intelligence. To this day, students meet there to share their knowledge with others and expand it together. With his research, Jonas develops systems that support artists in automating their artistic practices. In his research, he focuses on how we can use AI as a tool for humans rather than as a replacement for humans. The ethics of models and data collection and access to new technologies for the general population is particularly important to Jonas.

Michael Kramarsch
Michael Kramarsch is the founder and CEO of the hkp/// group - an international management consultancy at the interface of HR, finance and strategy. His focus as a consultant is on corporate governance, the distribution of value creation - from employee participation to board remuneration - as well as strategic HR issues in the context of digitalization. He is the initiator of the HR Tech Ethics Advisory Board. Michael Kramarsch is also Chairman of the Board of the Association of Independent Remuneration Consultants (VUVB) and a member of the Advisory Board at the HHL Center for Corporate Governance, Leipzig. As an expert, he has advised various commissions, including the German Government Commission on Corporate Governance headed by Prof. Dr. T. Baums (2001) and the Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code headed by Klaus Peter Müller and Dr. Manfred Gentz (2012 to 2014).

Alex Hernandez-Garcia
Alex Hernandez-Garcia is a postdoctoral researcher at Mila, the Quebec Institute for Artificial Intelligence, in Tiohtià:ke / Montréal, since December 2020 with Prof. Yoshua Bengio and Prof. David Rolnick. Prior to that, Alex completed his PhD in Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück in Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Peter König, and as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN NexGenVis fellow. He obtained Bachelor's and Master's degrees at the University Carlos III in Madrid, where he grew up, and was a visiting PhD student at the University of Cambridge with Dr. Tim Kietzmann and at the Spinoza Center for Neuroimaging with Dr. Serge Dumoulin. Alex is interested in applications of artificial intelligence for scientific discovery against climate change, such as accelerating material discovery and improving climate models. Alex is also committed to inclusive, fair, open, reproducible, transparent and environmentally conscious science.

Eduard Seeger
Eduard Seeger heads the "Ifgi" initiative for the promotion of socially critical content. As part of this initiative, he has also organized workshops on the topic of "digital self-defence". He is currently completing his Master's degree in Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück, where he also completed his Bachelor's degree.

Lukas Schießer
Lukas Schießer is currently studying for an MSc in Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück. His research focuses on AI in medicine, for example, he is currently working on glaucoma classification with deep learning at Münster University Hospital. Before that, he had already gained medical experience as a federal volunteer in the intensive care unit at Leopoldina Hospital in Schweinfurt and AI research experience at York University in Toronto. He wants digitalization to make people's everyday lives easier and has already digitalized numerous processes at ZF Friedrichshafen, IKW at the University of Osnabrück and Unser Dialog. Lukas is also very passionate about the social impact of AI, which is why he helped launch Unser Dialog über KI.

Elisabeth Paar
Paar ist Rechtswissenschaftlerin und forscht an der Schnittstelle zwischen Verfassungsrecht, Rechtstheorie, Technologierecht und Medizinrecht. Aktuell ist sie Universitätsassistentin am Institut für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht der Universität Wien und Doktorandin an der Universität Graz. In ihrer Dissertation beschäftigt sie sich mit den verfassungsrechtlichen Grenzen des Einsatzes von KI in Gerichtsverfahren. Davor hat sie das Diplomstudium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Graz Jura absolviert, das sie 2018 als Jahrgangsbeste abschloss. Von August 2022 bis Mai 2023 absolviert sie ein LL.M.-Studium an der Yale Law School.

Anna Richter
Anna Richter is currently working on the Biasly project at the Mila - Quebec AI Institute in Montreal, Canada. The project aims to combat gender bias in texts using machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). She previously completed her Bachelor and Master of Science in Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück and has published several papers on Convolutional Neural Networks.She also gained research experience in the field of NLP during her Master's degree as a research assistant and in study projects. Anna attaches great importance to science communication and has therefore been active as a mentor and tutor many times, whether as a lecturer or to help young women find their way into the natural sciences. In 2021, she organized a conference for cognitive science alumni of Osnabrück University. And if Anna can't be found programming in front of her PC, she's probably out in nature with a horse!

Mats-Leon Richter
Mats-Leon Richter is currently a postdoc at Mila - Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute. Before that, he did his PhD at the University of Osnabrück. He enjoys working on the intersection of empirical research and applied research. In addition to his research work, he has already worked at ELAN e.V. as an AI specialist, as a freelance AI consultant, and in a leading position at the startup AIM (Agile IT Management GmbH). This has allowed him to gain a wide range of experience, from medical image classification and data anonymization to maintenance predictions for industrial machines. Mats has also co-founded several open source projects, as free access to knowledge and code is important to him.

Tobias Thelen
Tobias Thelen obtained his doctorate in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics at the University of Osnabrück in 2009 and has been a lecturer at the Institute of Computer Science since then, teaching web technologies and e-learning. Since 2019, he has also been a lecturer at the Institute of Cognitive Science. He is also deputy managing director at virtUOS, the Center for Digital Teaching and University Didactics at Osnabrück University.
Dr. Daniel Kalthoff
Dr. Daniel Kalthoff studied physics with a minor in medicine and computer science at the University of Mainz. He then worked as a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research in Cologne, where he completed his doctorate in the field of experimental, functional neuroimaging. He then worked for four years in the German and European healthcare sector in a management consultancy. He then took over the coordination of the HealthCampus Osnabrück, which was founded by the University of Applied Sciences and the University and sees itself as a platform for networking science and practice and as a source of inspiration for the region.

Ariana Dongus
Ariana Dongus is a researcher in the field of critical AI studies. In 2021, she was recognized as an "AI Newcomer" by the German Ministry of Education and the German Informatics Society. From 2018 to 2022, she worked as a research assistant and lecturer at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG), where she also coordinated the KIM (Artificial Intelligence and Media Philosophy) research group. At the HfG, she also coordinated a research project in the "AI and the Society of the Future" program, which was funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. By exploring the intersection of biometrics, colonial pasts, new forms of labor and machine "intelligence", she contributes to a critique of today's digital economies. She has held workshops and lectures at home and abroad, for example at Ars Electronica, transmediale, PACT Zollverein, Bern University of the Arts, the Shanghai Ming Contemporary Art Museum, the Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts and during the European Media Art Festival.

Eva Gengler
Eva Gengler is a doctoral candidate in the International Doctorate Program: Business and Human Rights - Governance Challenges in a Complex World and research associate at the Schöller Chair at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. Her research focuses on human rights issues, especially women's rights in the age of AI. Using a multi-level approach, she will look at how discrimination against women* can be counteracted by AI. Previously, she dealt with the ethical implications of AI in recruiting and worked as an IT consultant in this field.

Theresa Züger
Theresa Züger is a research group leader at the AI Society Lab at Humboldt University Berlin. There, she researches the development of AI in the public interest. In 2018-19, she led the Third Engagement Report, a report on the impact of digitalization on social participation, on behalf of the German government. Previously, she was head of the Media Policy Lab at the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg after completing her doctorate on civil disobedience in the age of digital media at Humbodt University in 2017.

Dr. Anne Mollen
Dr. Anne Mollen is Senior Policy and Advocacy Manager at AlgorithmWatch. Her work focuses on ADM systems in public administration, the workplace and the sustainability of ADM systems. Prior to her work at AlgorithmWatch, she conducted research on the relationship between digital media technologies, society and democracy in various projects. *ADM = Automated Decision Making
© Bild: Julia Bornkessel

Julia Kaltenborn
Julia Kaltenborn is currently completing a research master's degree in computer science at McGill University in Montreal and the Mila Institute. Her research, supervised by Prof. David Rolnick, aims to improve and accelerate climate models with the help of machine learning. She is a DeepMind Fellow, Mitacs Globalink Graduate Fellow and is funded by the German National Academic Foundation. During her cognitive science bachelor's degree, Julia was a tutor for several AI lectures. Julia is particularly passionate about science communication and hopes that we can build a foundation of knowledge in the population on the topic of artificial intelligence sooner than on climate change.

Dr. Nina-Alexandra Götz
Dr. Nina-Alexandra Götz has also been a research assistant in the "aithealth" project since 2021. Prior to this, she completed her doctorate in public health at the Hannover Medical School in cooperation with the University of Osnabrück in 2020 and worked in parallel on various third-party funded projects on digitization topics in the New Public Health department at the University of Osnabrück. She previously completed her Master's degree in Healthcare Management at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences in 2013.

Marieke Prien
Marieke Prien studied Cognitive Science in Osnabrück with a focus on Kl and cognitive psychology. Since 2021, she has been a research assistant at the Osnabrück Health Campus in the "ai4health" project and the Osnabrück "Focus Future Skills" continuing education network. In her doctoral thesis, she will be working on the topic of "Explainable clines in healthcare".