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Our Dialogue
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Co-creators have different reasons for their interest: They want to learn new things, exchange ideas, reflect, share and review their own thoughts, be heard and seen, come into contact with experts and gain first-hand knowledge, form an informed opinion. We have held effective events with small and large groups - because change and impact start with individuals. Our network is diverse. There are people of different genders (also non-binary). People with and without (in)visible disabilities. People of different religions. People between the ages of 8 and 95. People from South, West, North and East Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries. Experts and laypeople alike. What unites them is that they want a good future - and to a certain extent doubt that this can succeed in the way it is currently being attempted. But giving up and simply watching is not an option!
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Why take part?

Simply because you are important and crucial for our democracy! What you do and say can have a huge impact on another person's life.
At the same time, there is the saying:

If you want to be fast, go alone - if you want to achieve great things, go together.

A living democracy is such a "great" thing. Democracy means "rule by the people" - so it's pretty obvious: if you want to have influence, you "have" to participate. If many people want to meet as equals and move things forward, dialog is crucial. That's why our aim is to get as many motivated, interested and diverse people as possible talking and working together on solutions and putting them into practice! You are one of these people! We look forward to hearing from you at mail(at)unserdialog.org - together we will find the right commitment for you!
AnonymParticipant in Our Dialogue on Mental Health
Our dialog is an ultra-cool, modern project that can reach, inspire and motivate many people because it is so easily accessible for everyone and you have both the professional side and the personal exchange and space for any questions. The atmosphere is super accepting and appreciative.
AnonymMember of Unser Dialog e. V.
I particularly enjoy being in contact with the experts. As a young person, when do you have access to really good professors who then give a lecture free of charge, simply because they think the project is good. And then you can ask questions directly. That's really cool!
ToniMember of Unser Dialog e. V.
I particularly like the fact that the methodology we develop is so broadly applicable. You can really discuss any topic, but in a well-founded and fair way! And: in our meetings, people dare to express their opinions and also change them. We have decoupled pride and affiliation from this.

Our members

Alina testemonial
Alinaactive member
With my involvement in Unser Dialog, I would like to play my part in creating a more open society by combating hatred and polarization through our projects.Joined 1 year ago
Isabella testemonial
Isabellaactive member
UD enables me to actively participate in maintaining our democracy.Joined 2 years ago
Georg testemonial
GeorgGuiding Council
I am enthusiastic about UnserDialog's mission and I am convinced that together we can help people to listen, understand and experience connection with the other person, even in dialogue on difficult topics.Joined 3 years ago
Sara-Estelle testemonial
Sara-EstelleBoard spokeswoman, founding member and initiator
I want to help people pay more attention to the HOW. How we talk to each other. How we talk about each other. How we talk about crisis. With Our Dialogue we provide the needed space for self-reflection.Joined 4 years ago
Paul testemonial
PaulTechnical director
Our dialog makes a valuable contribution to a fairer discourse in politics and society. I am happy to be part of this initiative and to be able to contribute my personal ideas.Joined 4 months ago
Helmut testemonial
HelmutGuiding Council
We humans have enormous potential that needs to be developed in order to actively and collectively shape the future. The Our Dialogue approach creates spaces for dialog in which even very different opinions can be exchanged. Here I feel invited to contribute my own ideas and perspectives. At the same time, we learn from each other in order to make targeted use of the diversity of opinions and develop creative solutions for the major challenges of our time.Joined 3 years ago
Felix testemonial
I'm Felix and I take care of the finances at Unser Dialog. With my involvement in Unser Dialog, I want to help ensure that public debates and decisions are based more on facts and not on populist opinions. In addition to my voluntary work, you can find me hiking or climbing in the great outdoors.Joined 4 years ago
Lukas testemonial
LukasChief Technology Officer 2023/24
My name is Lukas and I work with technology at Unser Dialog. I'm involved in Unser Dialog because I believe that we can work together to find solutions to the most important issues of the present and the future through fact-based and open discussion. I spend my free time singing, reading or doing sport.Joined 4 years ago
Antonia testemonial
AntoniaSpeakerin, active member
Our dialogue is one of the initiatives that we urgently need now in order to look together towards a resilient future - I am enthusiastic about it!Joined 2 years ago
Julia testemonial
JuliaFounding member, co-initiator
Julia is one of the initiators of Unser Dialog. She has since dedicated herself to her research "Machine-Leaerning for climate modelling" at https://juliakaltenborn.github.ioJoined 4 years ago
Amy testemonial
AmyGuiding Council
Unser Dialog's work is vitally important at a time when too many people feel like their voices don't matter or don't feel comfortable speaking out. Unser Dialog is a space where people can unite, regardless of political beliefs, to have productive conversations about issues facing society. This is how we find common ground and make the world better for everyone.Joined 3 years ago
Laura testemonial
LauraFounding member, member of the Management Board 2023/24
In the words of the Dalai Lama: "Dialogue means compromise: we accept each other's opinions." It is precisely in this compromise that I see an opportunity to find solutions to the issues that affect our society, which is why I am involved in Unser Dialog. I'm Laura, I've been happily attached to my violin since childhood and I can't resist a good book!Joined 4 years ago
Luca testemonial
LucaFounding member, Deputy Spokesman of the Management Board 2023/24
I'm Luca and I'm interested in all areas of psychology, philosophy, sociology and sustainability. With my involvement in Unser Dialog, I want to help make democracy a more natural part of life. I believe that we can achieve more together than we can alone.Joined 3 years ago
Selma testemonial
SelmaDeputy Spokeswoman of the Board
Our dialogue enables me to work together as a team to promote democracy and gives me hope that we can make a difference. What sets us apart is our moderation strategy based on non-violent communication, which allows for a genuine exchange on an equal footing.Joined 1 year ago
Hannah testemonial
Hannahactive member
I am delighted to be able to make difficult topics accessible and tangible for everyone with UD and to create a space together where an exchange on an equal footing is encouraged.Joined 10 months ago
Anna testemonial
AnnaFounding member, member of the Management Board 2023/24
I am Anna and I stand behind the motto "Creativity connects and finds new solutions". With my experience in art education, I would like to support people at "Unser Dialog" in thinking "out-of-the-box", openly engaging with new perspectives and working together on creative ideas for our future.Joined 3 years ago

Our network

Our Dialogue has relationships with various organizations. Some organizations are funding partners, others have booked our format. Get an overview of the organizations we are currently working with here. And become a part of it with your organization!

startsocial e. V.

We are startsocial alumna of the 2024 federal selection! As one of 100 scholarship holders in the 2023/2024 cohort, Unser Dialog was supported by a coaching duo for the period from November 2023 to February 2024, who accompanied us in our further development. As a finalist, our organization was even a guest of the Federal Chancellery!

Grundschule Hoyren

We have been cooperating with Hoyren elementary school since summer 2022. As part of "Unser Dialögchen", we organize discussion rooms (online or hybrid) in which the school family discusses relevant topics. These could be, for example: ChatGPT in elementary school, resilience or non-violent communication. Is your school also interested? Get in touch with us!


Together with MILA (Quebec, Canada) as part of the MILA-Startup Price we have worked together. MILA became aware of "Unser Dialog über KI" and invited Julia to apply for a start-up grant with Unser Dialog. We received this award, which includes a five-figure acquisition voucher, in June 2023. We are honored to be the first non-profit and charitable project to receive funding!

Deutsche Stiftung Ehrenamt und Engagement

In 2024, we were nominated for the German Volunteering Award. We were joined by many other volunteer projects. We are therefore delighted to have made it into the top 100 in the public voting! Being "so high up" just one year after our association was founded makes us look forward to what is yet to come.

PLLOB Compliance

PLLOB aims to get to the heart of compliance and make it memorable. We are proud to take the topic of compliance seriously as an association. And we are grateful that we can live compliance in such an easy and helpful way. With a non-profit license, this is even possible for us as a non-profit organization. A clear recommendation.

Schmid Stiftung

The Schmid Foundation is an operational foundation and supports non-profit organizations in development issues with more than 100 volunteer so-called dialogue partners - with know-how and a great deal of practical experience in the field of systemic organizational development. We are one of these organizations and benefit greatly from this offer. So again: a clear recommendation. Bonus tip for all under 18s: On the foundation's website, you will also find a page advertising the "Find your runway" format. Click in there...

Got your interest?

Do you want to join us and get involved in a more colorful dialogue in our society? Or do you already have an idea that you would like to implement with us? You can also attend one of our meetings to take a closer look at how we work. No matter what, we look forward to hearing from you!




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