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European Election

Poster EU Wahl 2024
Under the motto “Ready for Europe”, we help you to make an informed decision that you will be happy with in the long term. Online & free of charge and in connection with others. We ensure that there is a common basis for discussion. To this end, experts teach us the basics of the European elections. And: We clarify any questions you have about the election. We offer space to become clear about your own vision for Europe. You can then find out which options match your vision. We talk together about the challenges we experience or observe. Then you can talk to politicians to find out which election programs address these problems in the way you envision. The result: Voting out of conviction, the party that really fits your needs!
4/24/24, 6:00 PM
4/24/24, 8:00 PM
Understanding the European elections: Why vote?
5/1/24, 6:00 PM
5/1/24, 8:00 PM
Your vision for Europe: What should your vote achieve?
5/8/24, 6:00 PM
5/8/24, 8:00 PM
Understanding the Agenda: Michael Bloss (The Greens)
5/15/24, 6:00 PM
5/15/24, 8:00 PM
Understanding the Agenda: Sabrina Repp (SPD) and Katja Plate (CDU)
5/22/24, 6:00 PM
5/22/24, 8:00 PM
Understanding the Agenda: Martin Günther (The Left) and Helmut Geuking (Family Party)
5/29/24, 6:00 PM
5/29/24, 8:00 PM
Understanding the Agenda: Thomas Hacker (FDP) and Nela Riehl (Volt)
6/5/24, 6:00 PM
6/5/24, 8:00 PM
EU: Open Space in English! Everyone welcome!
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Our dialog for democracy - for schools!

Are you a principal, teacher or work in an educational institution in Germany? Then you can invite Our Dialogue for Democracy to you! We will come to your school or institution and give a morning workshop aimed in particular at pupils from year 9 upwards. Our team of experts will provide an in-depth and lively explanation of the basics of the EU and the upcoming elections. Pupils then gain an overview of the election program of the individual parties. We then lead the dialog and students gain clarity about their own political stance and can reflect in a safe environment on how their own voting decision can affect democracy in Germany and the future of the EU. As an impartial and non-partisan non-profit, registered association, we are a reputable and neutral partner organization. For further information, please contact us at europa(at)unserdialog.org! Do you care about preserving our democracy? Do you reach a lot of people? Then become a multiplier for Our Dialogue. You can use the following press material to tell people about Our Dialogue for Democracy in your own way.


Alina Neher

Europe Expert (Certificate in European and International Studies @ Sciences Po Lille)

I look forward to providing barrier-free information on complex topics, facilitating an exchange of opinions and thus breaking down prejudices through discourse!

Laura Provaznik

Board Member & Program Coordination

I hope that in the end we will all be inspired by a European spirit!

Lutz Storbeck

Europe expert (University of Münster, Sciences Po Lille)

I am delighted to be involved in giving people a concrete opportunity to help shape democracy!

Selma Nikutta

Member & Communicator

I'm looking forward to helping shape the exchange that would have helped me a lot before my first (and actually every) election!

Hannah Watson

Internationales deutsch-französisches Doppeldiplom in “International and European Governance” an der Sciences Po

Ich freue mich darauf ein Europa mitzugestalten, dass für jeden zugänglich und greifbar ist und gemeinsam einen Raum zu schaffen, wo ein Austausch auf Augenhöhe gefördert wird.

Sara-Estelle Gößwein

Board spokeswoman & event moderator

I look forward to the perspectives and questions that the participants bring with them. And, of course, to the famous “we” feeling at the events!

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