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Our Dialogue
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At the moment, the socio-political approach to these crises is characterized by blame, fear and mistrust. It is easier for people to align themselves with an enemy than to act together in a solution-oriented manner. Our aim is to ensure that we can overcome the current polycrisis as a democracy. To do this, we need solutions that bring people together instead of causing division. At Our Dialogue, all participants are encouraged to contribute to the basis of this social cohesion, i.e. a culture of discussion characterized by respect, honesty, openness and (psychological) safety. As this is in many ways diametrically opposed to the current culture of debate, it needs incubator spaces in which it can be tested and nurtured. This is where Our Dialogue comes in - and you can support us with your donation!
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💡 Did you know: With Paypal you can select Our dialog. Then, as soon as you pay for something with PayPal, you will be asked whether you would like to send us a donation. This is convenient for you - and a great honor, pleasure and support for us!
Transfer😉 If you click on the IBAN, it will be saved to your clipboard!

Account holder: Unser Dialog e.V.

Bank: Deutsche Skatbank

IBAN: DE80 8306 5408 0005 2935 45


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