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Federal election 2025

Poster EU Wahl 2024
Were you surprised by the early election date? Us too. We actually wanted to do a complete series together, based on our last two projects on elections. Now time is more pressing than we thought and we will therefore offer two dates shortly before the election.
2/9/25, 6:00 PM
2/9/25, 8:00 PM
Unser Dialog for the 2025 federal election 1/2
2/16/25, 6:00 PM
2/16/25, 8:00 PM
Unser Dialog for the 2025 federal election 2/2

Politicians 16.02

Frederic Beck

Frederic Beck

Representative from Die Linke

Marin Jurić

Marin Jurić

Representative from Grünen

Tobias Krull

Tobias Krull

Representative from CDU

© Bild: Steffen Prößdorf

Politicians 09.02

David Wade

David Wade

Representative from SPD

Alexandra Lang

Alexandra Lang

Representative from Volt

Alexander Keller

Alexander Keller

Representative from FDP

What you can expect

Our events are designed to be varied. So you can't just expect a 2-hour lecture - your active participation is required, of course only to the extent that you wish.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions to the politicians present, exchange ideas in groups and enter into dialog with others. Our aim is to discuss the various election programs and the associated party positions in an objective and constructive manner.


How it works

The event takes place online. As soon as it starts, you can take part directly via this page - without any additional software or registration. All you need is a little internet and you're ready to go.
Download Event rules

We are part of "Raum für Demokratie"

A project of Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
bpb Poster Raum für Demokratie

Pilot event

In order to test our discussion concept and refine our processes, there will be a pilot event with a smaller audience on Saturday, December 21, 2024. This event will also be accompanied by Deutschlandfunk and parts of the talks will be recorded. These will be broadcast in january before the general election.
Politicians will be invited to talk about the following topics:
12/21/24, 3:00 PM
12/21/25, 5:00 PM
Pilot: Federal election 2025
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