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Our Dialogue
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Here you can get an overview of what we have already done and what has emerged from the completed projects. With more than 50 events to date with high-caliber experts on cutting-edge and forward-looking topics, Unser Dialog e. V. is a successful incubator space for a new, unifying culture of conversation that lives and promotes pluralism. Together, we are creating a more resilient, sustainable and strong society.
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Federal Election
Federal Election
Were you surprised by the early election date? Us too. We actually wanted to do a complete series together, based on our last two projects on elections. Now time is more pressing than we thought and we will therefore offer two dates.
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European Elections
European Elections
Under the motto “Ready for Europe”, we have rethought political opinion-forming. At our events, participants had the opportunity to exchange views directly with high-caliber representatives from 7 candidate parties, without campaign slogans, but with mutual respect and appreciation.
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Mental Health
Mental Health
In our longest series to date, experts with different focuses on topics such as "Neurodiversity and the meaning of psychiatric diagnoses" or "Diet culture and body image in the age of social media" contributed to destigmatization through keynote speeches. The feedback from participants has clearly shown us how great the need is for more information and spaces for honest exchange on this topic. Since the successful completion of the module series, we have been offering other institutions, particularly associations and foundations, further training and workshop formats on the topic of "mental health".
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Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
This series began in 2022, even before the big AI boom. Even back then, selected experts provided a sound basis for a better understanding of the opportunities, limitations and functions of this new technology. Today, we no longer offer a series of modules on the topic of AI, but are booked by schools to organize parents' evenings and workshops on the responsible use of AI.
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Federal Election
Federal Election
That's where it all began. We tested and developed our moderation concept from row one and, above all, were able to observe how it can be used to resolve polarization. This was also the first time we tested the effectiveness of our card system and quickly realized how reliable and uncomplicated it was to ensure compliance with our rules. This series was the beginning, and a lot has happened since then!

Why actually?

Our projects arise from the feeling of a need for action and the impression that an urgent and difficult topic in public discourse contributes more to division than to finding solutions. We cover a broad spectrum of topics. With our formula of "knowledge-dialogue-solution", particularly uncomfortable topics become tangible and people with very different backgrounds enter into an exchange at eye level. You are very welcome to continue working on this with us!
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